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BREAKING NEWS – Corporate Transparency Act on Hold

as of Monday, March 3, 2024

On Friday March 1, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the District of Alabama declared the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) unconstitutional. In the case of National Small Business Association v. Yellen (Case No. 5:22-cv-01448) [1], initiated by the National Small Business United, the challenge was against the CTA’s mandate for small businesses to disclose their beneficial owners to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

The ruling has the effect of suspending all BOI filing requirements for now, all enforcement actions, and all compliance concerns including questions of “practicing law without a license.” Experts believe the ruling will be appealed, probably to the Supreme Court, so this is a temporary filing requirement suspension until a final appeal is exhausted. Voluntary filing appears to still be allowed if for some reason a client desires to file.

New Wave of Tax-related Text Scams Warning

The IRS recently issued a warning about a dramatic increase in the number of tax-related texting scams (also called “smishing”) occurring across the U.S. The scammers typically send a text message that appears to be from the IRS, which might include fake instructions to create an online IRS account, threats of tax penalties, or promises of tax or disaster relief. The message then urges recipients to click a link or call a phone number, where criminals stand ready to steal sensitive personal information like Social Security or bank account numbers.

If you receive a suspicious text claiming to be from the IRS, do not respond or click any links. The IRS does not send text messages requesting personal, tax or financial information. You can also help stop the scammers by reporting any smishing messages to Include a copy of the bogus message, the number that it came from, and the date, time and location you received it.